CPL Foundation https://cplfoundation.com.pg CPL Foundation Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:51:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 CPL Group and USAID launches CPL’s Solid Waste Management 3R Pilot Program to Combat Ocean Plastic Pollution https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-group-and-usaid-launches-cpls-solid-waste-management-3r-pilot-program-to-combat-ocean-plastic-pollution/ Fri, 28 Jun 2024 22:47:25 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=535 Read More]]> In CPL Group’s efforts to address ocean plastic pollution, CPL is pleased to launch the Solid Waste Management 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Pilot Program, through a partnership with USAID’s ‘Clean Cities, Blue Oceans’ Flagship Program.

The launch marked the inauguration of one of three material recovery facilities funded by USAID, valued at approximately USD50,000 which includes coloured wheelie bins for effective waste segregation before it reaches the material recovery facility. The material recovery facility consists of four compartments: biodegradables, residuals, cartons/boxes, and recyclables.

The launch also saw the official handover of Solid Waste Management/3R Guidelines to CPL Group Ltd.

The partnership between USAID and the CPL Foundation, established in 2022, has enabled CPL Group employees from various business brands to participate in several trainings conducted by the Clean Cities, Blue Oceans team. These trainings have covered Waste Analysis & Characterization, Solid Waste Management Guidelines Optimization Workshop, Waste Segregation, and Occupational Health and Safety.

The Pilot Program was launched in Port Moresby recently by CPL Foundation Director Ajay Patel and USAID Country Representative to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu Nino Nadiradze, among partners and guests from NCDC, Steamships Group and CPL.

“The need for an effective waste management solution is critical for a healthy environment for our people. We recognize that for the retail company contributes a significant amount of waste in Papua New Guinea and across the world and we want to minimize that as much as we can”, said Ajay Patel.


“This partnership is only the beginning and I encourage all companies in PNG to follow CPL’s lead. There are no bystanders in the fight against climate change and pollution”, said Nino Nadiradze. “I would like to congratulate CPL for its leadership and the launch of this new program. USAID is honoured to be your ally.”

The Solid Waste Management Program through its material recovery facilities, will significantly aid in waste segregation, reducing the amount of waste reaching landfills and the ocean.

Swire Shipping and CPL Foundation partner up in support of the local community in Papua New Guinea https://cplfoundation.com.pg/swire-shipping-and-cpl-foundation-partner-up-in-support-of-the-local-community-in-papua-new-guinea/ Wed, 19 Jun 2024 01:28:13 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=503 Read More]]>

Swire Shipping, a leading provider of sustainable and innovative shipping and logistics solutions, and CPL Foundation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen collaboration for community-based needs in the education sector in Papua New Guinea.


The MOU was signed by Swire Shipping’s Country Manager for PNG and General Manager for the Pacific, Randy Selvaratnam, and CPL Foundation Chairman and CPL Group Founder, Sir Mahesh Patel OBE.

Under the MOU, Swire Shipping and CPL Foundation will collaborate to address the needs of schools within local communities in PNG through an upcycled school furniture donation project. Leveraging their established networks, both organisations will work together to ensure the project’s success from end to end, including the acquisition of the furniture as well as the pro bono shipping of the school furniture from Australia to the designated schools in PNG. CPL Foundation will identify schools in need within the local communities and assess their specific requirements while Swire Shipping will be responsible for seeking the required furniture donations from schools in Australia.



The first school furniture donation under the MOU took place in Arawa on 3 May 2024, with the support of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government (ABG), Steamships, Consort Shipping and East West Transport. The shipment, originating from schools in Australia and delivered to Arawa Primary School, comprised essential furniture such as desks, chairs, and shelves.

This initiative is poised to significantly improve the learning environment for both students and teachers at Arawa Primary School, fostering a positive and productive study space.


Randy Selvaratnam said, “We are excited to be working with CPL Foundation for this meaningful school furniture project. This initiative directly aligns with our core values of giving back to our local communities and promoting long-term, sustainable development in the region. By providing schools with the resources they need, we’re empowering students and educators to thrive. This project directly translates to a more comfortable and conducive learning environment, fostering a brighter future for the community in PNG.”


Sir Mahesh Patel said, “Bougainville is a special place to me and my wife. We have had a relationship with this province for over 30 years, and hence it was of no surprise that CPL Foundation, in partnership with Swire Shipping, has chosen Arawa Primary School as one of the recipients for the School Furniture Project. I was really impressed by Arawa Primary School and the community in which the school serves, in their display of community spirit and support. This shows a willingness to grow and recognition of the importance of such donations. I am particularly elated by the support given by the ABG Government through its Regional Member Peter Tsiamalili Jnr.”


Gabriel Samo, School Board Chairman of Arawa Primary School, said, “I am truly happy that this project has reached us. We have been neglected for so long. Arawa Primary School is one of those schools that have always missed out on Government funding. Donations like the desks received will be used by our students. We have had to turn away students because of lack of space at the school and desks for students. Now, with the donations, we can open to more admissions of students.”


This initiative marks the beginning of a series of donations aimed at improving educational facilities in schools across the region. Looking ahead in 2024, discussions are underway for three more shipments of school furniture, benefitting even more schools.

CPL Group and Foundation reaffirms support to CPL Rebels Netball Team https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-group-and-foundation-reaffirms-support-to-cpl-rebels-netball-team/ Mon, 13 May 2024 01:39:25 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=521 Read More]]>

CPL Group has recently renewed its longstanding sponsorship with the CPL Rebels Netball Club in the Port Moresby Netball Association (POMNA) Professional Competition. The partnership with the Rebels, span over 25 Years and demonstrates the Group’s commitment to supporting community sports.

Through the CPL Foundation, the retailer’s Philanthropic arm, the sponsorship deal covers both equipment and administrative costs for the CPL Rebels Netball Club. CPL Group brand, Jack’s of PNG, also lent support to the Rebels with brand-new uniform kits for the 2024 Season. This support enables the club to thrive and continue its mission of empowering women through sports.

The sponsorship renewal was recently made during the presentation of the Club’s brand-new uniform kits, with Club Executives, CPL Foundation and Jack’s of PNG Staff at Jack’s of PNG’s Waigani Central Retail Store.



“We are hugely appreciative to CPL for their continued support to the Rebels. Our main goal for 2024 is to rebuild the club, focussing on our senior team while building the Juniors”, said Lysa Kalo, CPL Rebels Club President. “It hasn’t been easy for us over the past few seasons when we lost our late Club President, Mrs. Emily George Taule, but we’ve managed to pull through thus far with the support from the CPL Foundation, and Jack’s of PNG, to keep pushing on”.

Over the years, this enduring partnership has produced remarkable talent, with players representing both the National Capital District and Papua New Guinea on the international stage. Notable sports heroes associated with the Rebels include Barbara Penrose StubbingsVeronica Weiang Marinama Maha, Lua Rikis, and Winnie Mavara, along with coaches such as the late Emily George TauleJan WaddyOti Sarufa, and Helen Edwards.

The CPL Rebels Netball Club remains committed to promoting discipline, commitment, and community development among its players.

Despite the challenges posed to the Group in early 2024, CPL’s commitment to Sports ensures that the Rebels continue to thrive and contribute to the vibrant netball community in Port Moresby.

CPL Foundation Launches 13th Pride of Papua New Guinea Women Awards, Opens Nominations https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-foundation-launches-13th-pride-of-papua-new-guinea-women-awards-opens-nominations/ Thu, 02 May 2024 01:30:12 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=514 Read More]]>

Returning for the 13th Year, CPL Foundation and CPL Group is pleased to announce the Launch of the Pride of Papua New Guinea Women Awards 2024.

Initiated in 2007, the Pride of PNG Women Awards, is a flagship event by the CPL Foundation, the Philanthropic Arm of CPL Group, and the Patron of the Awards, His Excellency Grand Chief, Sir. Bob Dadae GCL, GCMC, KSt. J, Governor General of Papua New Guinea.


The Awards was launched in Port Moresby on 1st May 2024, by Sir. Mahesh Patel, CPL Foundation Chairman and Group Founder and Sir. Bob Dadae, Patron of the Awards, in the presence of partners, dignitaries and the Media.


‘The Pride of PNG Women Awards is not just about recognition, but it is also about acknowledging the vital role Women play in building a brighter future for Papua New Guinea. Its about sending a clear message, that we value your contribution, we believe in your ability to make a difference, and that’s why we want to celebrate you.’, said Sir Mahesh Patel.


In formally launching the Awards, Patron and Governor General of Papua New Guinea, Sir. Bob Dadae said, “I am immensely proud of the impact the Pride of PNG Women Awards program has had on our nation.  Witnessing the program flourish and evolve over the years has been truly rewarding”. “I commend CPL Foundation for their unwavering commitment to this program.  By recognizing these exceptional women, we not only celebrate their achievements but also invest in the future of Papua New Guinea”.


Nominations are now Open in six Categories – The Brave and Courageous Award, The Care and Compassion Award, The Woman Entrepreneur, The Community Spirit Award, The Sports Icon Award and The Young Leader Award. Nominations close July 19th 2024, with the finalists announced shortly after.


The Pride of PNG Women Awards Awards Ceremony will be held on August 30th at the APEC Haus, Port Moresby, and will be delivered with our Program Partners, Post Courier, Air Niugini, Lamana Hotel, Next of Kin Productions and Pidgin Productions.

Nomination Forms can be collected at any City Pharmacy, Stop & Shop and Hardware Haus Retail Store Nationwide, or in the Post Courier. More Information on the Awards and Online Nominations can be submitted at www.cplfoundation.com.pg/prideofpng-women-awards

CPL Foundation Launches Family Planning Community Awareness Campaign https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-foundation-launches-family-planning-community-awareness-campaign/ Fri, 05 Apr 2024 01:48:44 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=527 Read More]]>

CPL Foundation is proud to announce the launch of its newest awareness campaign aimed at promoting family planning education and support for young families in Papua New Guinea. With a mission to foster healthier futures for Papua New Guineans, CPL Foundation is committed to addressing the critical need for accessible information and resources surrounding family planning.

Central to this initiative is the generous support of Moore Printing, who has graciously provided their printing services to produce educational flyers on family planning. These informative materials will be distributed across all City Pharmacy outlets and CPL Wellness Clinics, ensuring widespread access to essential information for individuals and families throughout the nation.

Family planning remains a vital aspect of public health, contributing to healthier communities and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and future. By providing educational resources and support, CPL Foundation aims to challenge existing perceptions and promote positive attitudes towards family planning among young PNG families.

Dr. Joyce Sauk, Chief Medical Officer, expressed words of appreciation for Moore Printing’s generous support, stating “We are incredibly grateful for the support of Moore Printing in making this campaign possible,”. She further added that through the distribution of educational flyers, CPL hopes to spark meaningful conversations about family planning and empower individuals to informed decisions for a brighter and healthier future.

CPL Foundation recognizes the importance of addressing cultural norms and social barriers surrounding family planning in Papua New Guinea. By collaborating with community stakeholders and leveraging strategic partnerships, CPL Foundation aims to effect positive change and promote a culture of informed decision-making regarding family planning.

As the campaign unfolds, CPL Foundation invites individuals and organizations across Papua New Guinea to join in the effort to raise awareness and support for family planning education. Together, we can create a healthier and more prosperous future for all Papua New Guineans.

CPL Foundation and Queenpads PNG bring Menstrual Health Outreach to East Sepik https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-foundation-and-queenpads-png-bring-menstrual-health-outreach-to-east-sepik/ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 23:02:11 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=374 Read More]]> CPL Group through CPL Foundation, continues to break barriers surrounding the importance of feminine hygiene and health.

In commemoration of Papua New Guinea’s 48th Year of Independence, CPL Foundation ventured to Wewak in the East Sepik Province to highlight the significance of menstrual hygiene for women and girls.

The partnership with Queenpads PNG Limited has seen CPL Foundation Inc serve an important role in sponsoring this awareness campaign aimed at educating women, young girls, and the broader community, including men, about the importance of open dialogue and proper practices in menstrual health hygiene.

The team embarked on a comprehensive outreach program that covered many prominent secondary schools in Wewak Urban. The results have been truly remarkable, as the program has been successful in meeting the needs of women and girls concerning menstrual hygiene.

These enlightening sessions encompassed critical topics, such as hygiene, health, and the efficient utilization of both reusable and disposable menstrual pads. The program’s target demographic includes students, working individuals, and adult community members.

To date, this outreach initiative has positively impacted over 1500 participants, spanning across both genders.

The reusable pads last 5years and are sold at select City Pharmacy outlets nationwide.

This initiative demonstrates CPL Foundation’s enduring commitment to the betterment of women’s and girls’ lives across Papua New Guinea. More information about CPL Foundation can be found at www.cplfoundation.com.pg

CPL Group Staff successfully completes 4-day training in USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Waste Analysis and Characterization Study https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-group-staff-successfully-completes-4-day-training-in-usaids-clean-cities-blue-ocean-waste-analysis-and-characterization-study/ Wed, 26 Jul 2023 23:02:26 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=379 Read More]]> As commercial waste account for up to 33% of the total waste generated in the Nation’s Capital, the need for effective waste management solutions is required to cater for waste produced daily by businesses with a large waste footprint.

Following a Memorandum of Understanding between the USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) program and CPL Foundation signed in late 2022, CPL Group is pleased to have 25 staff representing the various group brands successfully participate in a 4-day training on Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS).

“The training covered essentials on proper waste segregation and types of plastics. Valuable information gained on enhancing waste management at the store level and its benefits will further improve waste management techniques at CPL facilities.” Said Mr. Renerio Acosta, Asia Pacific’s Regional Director for Clean Cities Blue Ocean.

The program included a one-day theoretical training on its waste analysis and characterization study program to expand participants’ knowledge on waste management. This was followed by a 3-day practical training of its applications.

“As the retail sector contributes a substantial amount of commercial waste produced daily, the WACS training undergone by CPL staff is the start to employing effective solid waste management solutions for CPL and all its sub brands. This will be implemented through CPL’s Health and Safety Department and will ensure compliance with ISO standards.” Said Chester Selibu, General Manager for Health, and Safety, CPL Group.

Upon completion of the training, the participating staff were awarded certificates of participation.

The training was facilitated by a 3-member team from Tetra Tech, USAID’s implementing agency for its CCBO program recently in Port Moresby to implement programs aimed at establishing an effective waste management system as well as building capacity for the retailer to apply the 3Rs (Reuse, reduce, recycle).

More information about the CPL Foundation and the CCBO Partnership can be found at www.cplfoundation.com.pg.

CPL commemorates World Menstrual Hygiene Day with Donation Campaign for School Girls https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-commemorates-world-menstrual-hygiene-day-with-donation-campaign-for-school-girls/ Mon, 29 May 2023 22:52:06 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=369 Read More]]> CPL Group through City Pharmacy and the CPL Foundation commemorated World Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28th 2023 in a big way for young girls in Papua New Guinea.

Menstruation is everyone’s business. However, menstrual taboo still exists in most communities, combined with stigma and shame limiting access and support to Menstrual needs such as Menstrual Health information, women’s health services, products and facilities. Around 2 out of 3 girls in PNG miss classes a few days each month due to the lack of access and availability of sanitary products, including pads.

Through a partnership with Queenpads PNG, CPL is pleased to launch the first annual donation campaign to keep our young girls in school. Each of our City Pharmacy shops around the country now have set-up donation boxes at their respective stores to facilitate.

We encourage our customers to purchase any hygiene products, and donate in-store. At the end of each yearly quarter, a donation will be made to selected schools around each of our over 35 pharmacies nationwide.

Launching the initiative was CPL Group Chief Executive Officer, Navin Raju, Head of Pharmacy, Pradeep Panda, and Queenpads Founder, Anne-Shirley Korave.

“CPL Group is pleased to take the lead in this initiative”, said Navin Raju. “Investments in menstrual health and hygiene will result in the improvement of the overall health and well-being of women and girls, better educational outcomes, and greater economic empowerment”.

Anne Shirley further added, “Queenpads is very happy to partner with City Pharmacy to support our campaign for school girls, especially those in the rural areas. The idea is to engage with customers and the general public to ensure that we provide access and information to them in managing their special days”.

Menstrual Equity can be achieved when menstrual conversations are normalized, understood and its needs recognized and supported.

The donations will help schoolgirls in semi-rural and rural areas manage their special days while keeping them in school.

CPL Foundation completes Cyber Sawe Training, expanding children’s knowledge on Internet Safety https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-foundation-completes-cyber-sawe-training-expanding-childrens-knowledge-on-internet-safety/ Wed, 24 May 2023 22:50:19 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=359 Read More]]> CPL Foundation is pleased to announce the successful completion of our third Cyber Sawe PNG Training for young people at the Pacific Adventist University Campus, Port Moresby.

As part of CPL Foundation’s key objective to enhance women and girls’ education and their empowerment in Papua New Guinea, the Cyber Sawe PNG initiative aims to expand PNG children’s knowledge (especially young girls) on computer technology and safety practices while on the internet with their mobile phones and computers.

The one-day workshop, which took place on May 14th, saw over 30 young people between the ages of 7 to 16, attend and learn various topics such as Cybergames, Physical Security, Digital Traces, Cyber Safety and Coding.


The workshop featured a guest speaker, Ms. Bernadette Caleb, a cyber practitioner at Bank of Papua New Guinea. She spoke about the importance of cyber security, providing valuable insights to the children on how to stay safe online. It was evident with the attendees the fun and hands on experience that was gained.

Ms. Deborah Kakis, a lecturer at the School of Science and Technology and a volunteer mentor with the Cyber Sawe Program, thanked the CPL Foundation for taking the initiative to provide such valuable knowledge to their children on campus.

The third edition of the Cyber Sawe trainings were supported by CPL Group brands City Pharmacy and Stop & Shop.

The Cyber Sawe Trainings was initially introduced in 2022 in Port Moresby, and is part of CPL Foundation’s core objectives to empower women and girls through access to education & literacy programs, improved health-care services and economic empowerment opportunities.

More infomation about the Foundation can be found at www.cplfoundation.com.pg.

CPL Foundation successfully completes Cyber Save Training in Buka, Bougainville https://cplfoundation.com.pg/cpl-foundation-successfully-completes-cyber-save-training-in-buka-bougainville/ Tue, 21 Feb 2023 22:36:00 +0000 https://cplfoundation.com.pg/?p=352 Read More]]> In line with the global observation of Safer Internet Day on February 7th, CPL Foundation is pleased to announce the successful completion of our Cyber Sawe PNG Training for young people in Buka, Bougainville.

As part of CPL Foundation’s key objective to enhance women and girls’ education and their empowerment in Papua New Guinea, the Cyber Sawe PNG initiative aims to expand PNG children’s knowledge (especially young girls) on computer technology and safety practices while on the internet with their mobile phones and computers.

The two-day workshop, which ran from the 18th – 19th of February, saw over 30 young people attend and learn various topics such as Cybergames, Physical Security, Digital Traces, Cyber Safety and Coding.

Workshop facilitators, Athan Kopar and Samuel Dakulala from CPL, said that they were pleased with the outcome of the workshop. “It was a new learning experience for most of the participants, but everyone was engaged in the training and used the opportunity to share what they learned with their friends and families”, said the facilitators.

The workshop was jointly supported by Regional Member for Bougainville, Hon. Peter Tsiamallili, Raibro Construction, Jack’s of PNG and Vodafone Papua New Guinea.

Hon. Peter Tsiamallili emphasized the importance of cyber security education in this day and age. “I am, very pleased with this initiative and thank CPL and CPL Foundation for bringing this training to Buka. We hope more of these types of trainings can take place in the future.”, he further adds.

The Cyber Sawe Trainings was initially introduced in 2022 in Port Moresby, and is part of CPL Foundation’s core objectives to empower women and girls through access to education & literacy programs, improved health-care services and economic empowerment opportunities.

More information about the Foundation can be found at www.cplfoundation.com.pg
