Cyber save school holiday training for children on internet safety

CPL Foundation is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a series of workshops with the support of community organization, Kids SecuriDay of Australia.

As part of CPL Group’s core value of responsibility to the people, community and environment of Papua New Guinea, the initiative, called Cyber Save PNG, aims to expand PNG children’s knowledge on computer technological advancements and safety practices while on the internet with their mobile phones and computers.

The workshop is open to NCD residents only. It will be held in Port Moresby between 12-17 April, 2022, which will coincide with the Easter School Holidays.

There are two categories for 120 participants. Female applicants are encouraged to apply.

Training 1: 12-13 April; Junior Workshop; for Ages 6 – 11 (60 participants)

Training 2: 14-15 April; Senior Workshops; for Ages 11 – 16 (60 participants)


The training programs will be run by some of Australia’s top Computer Science professionals and teachers in top Australian universities. The Winner of the Australian Information Security Association’s “Best STEM Program” award in 2021.

Training Topics

  1. Cybergames: This is a puzzled game involving real world information security vulnerabilities.
  2. Physical Security: A demonstration on the importance of physical security. The how, the why’s and the what’s of physical security.
  3. Digital Traces: The internet is like a large white sheet of paper and everyone who visits it, leaves behind different coloured footprints. Those footprints form databases of one’s digital footprint. The traceability and potential impacts of digital footprints will be discussed in this workshop topic.
  4. Cyber Safety: This topic will explore password management, and internet identity.
  5. Kids Can Code: Participants learn patterns, and the arrangement of letters, numbers, and symbols that make up code. And the industry best practices that guide conventions on the market of information presentation.
  6. Train the Trainer: Participatory communication and action research are effective ways of spreading knowledge. Participants will be trained how to relay their skills to other members and their circle of influence.