CPL Foundation completes Cyber Sawe Training, expanding children’s knowledge on Internet Safety

CPL Foundation is pleased to announce the successful completion of our third Cyber Sawe PNG Training for young people at the Pacific Adventist University Campus, Port Moresby.

As part of CPL Foundation’s key objective to enhance women and girls’ education and their empowerment in Papua New Guinea, the Cyber Sawe PNG initiative aims to expand PNG children’s knowledge (especially young girls) on computer technology and safety practices while on the internet with their mobile phones and computers.

The one-day workshop, which took place on May 14th, saw over 30 young people between the ages of 7 to 16, attend and learn various topics such as Cybergames, Physical Security, Digital Traces, Cyber Safety and Coding.


The workshop featured a guest speaker, Ms. Bernadette Caleb, a cyber practitioner at Bank of Papua New Guinea. She spoke about the importance of cyber security, providing valuable insights to the children on how to stay safe online. It was evident with the attendees the fun and hands on experience that was gained.

Ms. Deborah Kakis, a lecturer at the School of Science and Technology and a volunteer mentor with the Cyber Sawe Program, thanked the CPL Foundation for taking the initiative to provide such valuable knowledge to their children on campus.

The third edition of the Cyber Sawe trainings were supported by CPL Group brands City Pharmacy and Stop & Shop.

The Cyber Sawe Trainings was initially introduced in 2022 in Port Moresby, and is part of CPL Foundation’s core objectives to empower women and girls through access to education & literacy programs, improved health-care services and economic empowerment opportunities.

More infomation about the Foundation can be found at www.cplfoundation.com.pg.