Other Initiatives

Food Donation:

We donate food supplies to the Port Moresby based Cheshire Disability Centre every quarter. Groceries, fruits, vegetables are given to help sustain the vulnerable residents of the centre, as part of our long-term partnership from 2019 onwards. This aligns with our core value of being responsible to our people, community and our environment. In addition, our health team also provides a de-worming and hygiene session to the special needs early learning education centre.


To commemorate our 33 years of service in Papua New Guinea, the CPL Foundation announced 33 scholarships for aspiring pharmacists in the University of Papua New Guinea. In 2022, 11 pioneering students were rewarded the scholarship. These students now have improved opportunities to contribute to the ever-expanding pharmaceutical industry services workforce.

Agriculture Shows:

Sponsoring the inaugural Mt. Wilhelm Agriculture Show 2022 was a big step towards connecting with remote farmers who struggle with logistics. In rugged Simbu, roads and transport become big hurdles for the enterprising farming community. Our core team went deep into the heart of Simbu to meet with farmers from across the province, to understand their struggles and provide access to markets in our stores.

Deworming Programmes:

Worm infections amongst children can have an adverse effect on their health, nutrition and cognitive development – leading to school absenteeism. The Foundation receives many requests from local communities, especially in informal settlements, to run deworming programmes once a year. Recently in NCD Saraga, we administered treatment to children and sanitation awareness to parents for a healthy future.

Mobile Vaccination Stations:

The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in PNG was one that affected the most vulnerable- the elderly, the frail and the most chronically ill. We met these challenges to bring a better service to our customers, patients and the community. We partnered with the St John’s Ambulance service to set up mobile vaccination stations. The service operated for 2 months in 2021 and vaccinated over 3,000 residents.


Conservation & Protection:

When on a leisure trip to the Conflict Islands in the Milne Bay Province, the founder of CPL Group, Sir Mahesh Patel was introduced to the “guardians of the sea” in sea turtles and their traditional custodians. The Conflict Islands Conservation Initiative (CICI) told of the challenges of environmental change through climate change and littering but also on the need for access to sustainable healthcare. This had inspired Sir Mahesh to think along the interdependency of the supply chain. This is where CPL Group through its pharmacy brand, City Pharmacy, and the Foundation can provide health outreach to these remote group of islands. This will bring conservation, sustainability and access to basic healthcare hand in hand.